
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shanghai Cosplay Girls

From July 28 to July 31 the IXth Digital Entertainment Exhibition ("ChinaJoy") was held in Shanghai.
One of the events was the Cosplay performance.
Video-games and pretty girls - what else do guys need for happiness?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chinese Blogosphere: 6 Popular News Aggregators

One type of popular Chinese blogs in English language are the ones which translate news or just funny stories found anywhere else on the net from Chinese to English.

This is a good way to entertain people who are interested in China but don't read in Chinese with some interesting material.

Although it seems that this market starts to be somewhat oversaturated with more and more bloggers trying to do the same thing.

So, I want to present the list of the most popular (and possibly best) aggregators of news in Chinese blogosphere.

1) ChinaSmack - no doubt the most popular site of its kind. It publishes hot internet stories, pictures and videos daily and has a big base of fans. The best thing about ChinaSmack is that the team running it is very creative and they constantly come up with fresh ideas how to make it better. It is reflected also in such aspect as professional site's design.

2) Shanghaiist . One thing that I learned recently about this site is that it is a part of a bigger network called Gothamist. All sites belonging to this network bring the latest news related to some specific city. As it is obvious from the name Shanghaiist is all about China's most international city - Shanghai.

The number of posts being published is huge - every day about ten new entries appear in it. In my opinion the design of Shanghaiist doesn't fit very well the speed of posting and the posts very quickly get buried in archives without receiving proper attention from readers.

3) China Digital Times  - maybe shouldn't be in the same list with other news aggregators. Because it is a more serious media and doesn't make accent on sensational stories.

I haven't followed this site and found it only while preparing this post, but from a quick look it seems that this blog has a lot of authority, but also kinda lost the dynamism it possibly had in the past.

Though "About" page claims that the blog publishes translations alongside with essays and original articles, on its main page I saw only reposts from different other sites (not even Chinese). And the design of site is quite dull. Although it's understandable taking in account that it was born in pre-Web 2.0 2003.

4) ChinaHush - small brother of ChinaSmack which at one point could become a worthy challenger for the crown of the best site in this category. But in the end of 2010 it was blocked in China and lost half of its traffic. 

Also it took quite a lot of time before ChinaHush finally made the re-design of the site (so here ChinaSmack also won). On the other hand, now ChinaHush is free of the pressure what kind of topics to choose (because they are already blocked) and they can try to use this fact to their advantage.

5) Ministry of Tofu - new kid on the block which joined the competition. Nice design, quick turnover of posts - all that promised good results. For some reason, however, already for more than one week the blog hasn't been updated and with such kind of sites pauses are highly undesirable.

6) China Whisper - the most fresh addition to this group. Similar to ChinaHush and Ministry of Tofu. Not much to say about it at this moment - time will show.


And what for me in all that? Well, it's been a while that I've been thinking to join this "rat race". 

I even chose the name - haha. If it happens - then it will be some time in October 2011. But we will see ;-) 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog about Hong Kong girls

Well, anytime when I stumble upon an interesting site - I write about it here.

Because "Posterous" is like a notebook for me.

So, here is a 22 years old girl from Hong Kong who started a blog about Hong Kong girls.

It's very very fresh (at this time only 4 posts published) but if she continues - it will be good!

Wish her good luck. Below is the address:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Three female bloggers writing about sex, trafficking and pornography

Though from the title of this post you might think that I am going to talk about a sleazy kind of bloggers - this is not the case.

The blogs which I want to invite you to check feature the articles which are both interesting and are of academic level. 

Curious? Then here they are:

1) "Dollars and Sexby professor Marina Adshade who teaches a course called "Economics of Sex and Love" in which students apply the analytical tools available to economists to examine human sexuality. Topics in her blog include dating and marriage, promiscuity, infidelity, risky sexual behavior, the relation between sex and happiness,and markets for sex such as prostitution, pornography, and lap dancing.

2) "The Naked Anthropologist" by Dr. Laura Augustin who writes as a lifelong migrant and identifies with no nationality. <...> she has danced with hustlers in Miami and strippers in San Francisco, learned safe-sex techniques from brothel workers in the Dominican Republic, roomed with an escort and her family in Melbourne and visited bar girls and jailed migrants in Bangkok. She has recorded oral histories with asylum-seekers on the Mexican border, listened to Albanian trafficking victims in an Italian shelter, discussed survival sex with internal migrants in Colombia and argued the pros and cons of being a maid or a prostitute with migrants in Spain.

3) "Libidot" by Katrien Jacobs, Associate Professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong. She investigates the role of digital networks in people’s experiences with the body, art, and sexuality. She has lectured and published widely about pornography, censorship and media activism in Hong Kong and global media environments. She is also working on long-term research projects in visual anthropology that detail the impact of Japanese animation on South East Asian youth cultures and social networks.  Currently she writes a book about mainland China’s immersion in new trends in sexual entertainment and DIY media. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Very interesting site with photographs of Chinese people

About a week ago I found a photo site that features simple Chinese pictures.

What makes this site special is the common thematics of all pictures featured in it.

The photographer Bernd was taking photographs of sleeping Chinese.

Got to his site to enjoy the gallery!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chinese chess beauties fight

The first Chinese women chess grandmasters tournament is taking place nowadays in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.
Here are the pictures of participants.
Would you play against them?

[all pictures are from]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

About Public Breastfeeding in China

World Health Organization recommends that mothers feed infants from breast (full breastfeeding) until at least the age of six months.

In China, however, the rates of full breastfeeding before 6 months are quite low (a little bit more than 20%).

Here is a quote of foreign woman who lived for a while in China about the acceptance of public breastfeeding:

In Beijing, breastfeeding is viewed as a positive thing, and breastfeeding in public is fine.
However, many higher-income women think they can't and breastfeeding education is awful (like saying "I couldn't bf because I didnt make enough milk"- often told to them by a doctor- and quitting early, thus letting their supply decrease so they really couldn't). People from the countryside don't have this issue - they just push through breastfeeding because they have to - so it is sometimes viewed as something rural people do, but rare for city folk. So... it's sometimes viewed with extreme curiosity - especially if you are a westerner. 
My redheaded self and blonde baby get questions and thumbs-up all the time when we nurse in public places. (Chinese grannies constantly give me thumbs up for nursing) Never gotten ANY rude comments, but lots of genuine curiosity and many, many people telling me how "lucky" I am that I can breastfeed and giving me their sad story about how they couldn't. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tired of Diapers? Chinese Mothers Have Solution!


What Chinese women do to increase their cups

If you follow LoveLoveChina forums, you probably saw already these two ads.

Each of them demonstrates another revolutionary way in which Chinese women try to overcome one of the problems they have to deal with - too litle breasts.

It's interesting to note that both of these ways miraculously "transport" the fat from belly to the breast achieving the double effect - flat belly and bigger boobs.

Method 1


Method 2


The question is - what next? Easy!

Girs can enroll to the competition of most beautiful breasts.

... and if neither of two methods worked - there is always the way out - for example, drinking the tainted milk!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jewish Men Are Running Off To Chinese

Today I stumbled upon an interesting YouTube video - interview with the reality show celebrity Josie Goldberg.

Actually, the whole interview is quite entertaining, but I specifically was intrigued by the part starting somewhere around 5:25, where Josie is talking about Jewish men (and women) that "when they go out of their race, they run off to Chinese".

I wouldn't pay much attention to her comment, but it came just a week after my fellow blogger's eye-catching post "Are Jewish Women More Likely to Marry Chinese Men?"

And then you start counting:

Priscilla Chan / Mark Zuckerberg

Zhang Ziyi / Aviv Nevo).

Crystal Tao [me] / Eugene [my fiance] :-)

Maybe Josie is right?


Little information I gathered about Josie Goldberg while preparing this post:

She posted a profile on (the site for Jewish dating) in which she complained about her jerk ex-boyfriend and his "cheap mannerisms".

Her profile caught attention of one TV director who invited Josie to reality show "Farmer wants a wife" from which she was eliminated.

From there she proceeded to be featured in one of Playboy's issues.

And now she is kind-of-celebrity.

Her website is

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chinese Sex Museum

The first sex theme park that planned to be erected in Chongqing in OCtober 2009 was demolished in May 2009 because of the negative influence on Chinese society.

However, there is sex museum in China. One such you can find in the town of Tongli located between Shanghai and Suzhou. Here is the museum's homepage in English language. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Awesome Project: Average Faces For Different Countries

Remember the Korean plastic surgeon who combined pictures of different Chinese (Japanese, Korean,...) beauties and created the images of average attractive faces for every race?

Today I found a post featuring the work of one photographer who uses a similar technique but with more far-reaching ambitions. He travels all over the world, and gradually creates the whole map of average (though looking at the gallery I doubt that they are average) faces according to the country of origin.

Take a look here.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Excellent post about Chinese girl's world

One of the best blog posts about the psychology of Chinese girls is the article "Dating Etiquette and Sex" (from the perspective of cross cultural relationships).

Yesterday, I found a post which in my opinion should become another "classic" of this topic. This is a story about one Chinese girl written by onlooker (American expat).

Read it until the end.    

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chinese chess babes

There are so many lists of beautiful Chinese girls.
But the problem with most of such lists is that the only thing that you can tell about those girls is that they are beautiful (and that's it). In best case, they can be famous actresses and one can argue how much of their professional success derives from the fact that they are beautiful. 

Well, I want to present a different list - list of Chinese girls who are not just pretty, but also smart.

Each of the girls below is successful chess player, which actually makes them famous in the first place. As for them being beautiful or not - you are the judge.

1.  Gu Xiaobing has a title of WGM (woman grandmaster):

2. Ju Wenjun - also Woman Grandmaster. She is 19 years old. Currently she is number 3 in the world among female players under 20 y.o. 
She is current holder of Women's Chinese Championship title.

3. Shen Yang, another Woman Grandmaster who preceded Ju Wenjun as Chinese Women's Champion.

4. Zhang Xiaowen. Guess what? She is also Woman Grandmaster.
And she is the winner of 2009 Asian Women's Continental Individual Championship.

5. Zhu Chen. She is Gradnmaster. Not Woman's grandmaster, but just grandmaster - which is a higher rank. And that's understandable, since in the years 2001 - 2004 she was the Women's World Champion!