
Monday, February 7, 2011

Excellent post about Chinese girl's world

One of the best blog posts about the psychology of Chinese girls is the article "Dating Etiquette and Sex" (from the perspective of cross cultural relationships).

Yesterday, I found a post which in my opinion should become another "classic" of this topic. This is a story about one Chinese girl written by onlooker (American expat).

Read it until the end.    


  1. Hello Crystal; I have read your LoveLoveChina blog before and enjoyed it a lot, you seem wise and make intelligent commentary with good sources. I wish to ask you, do you really think is accurate about Chinese girls?

    The reason I ask is because I have a friend from Hangzhou who I went on a trip with recently. I met her late last year, and asked her to go with me to a convention this year. I am pretty sure she likes me; although I am very dense, it is hard for me to take a hint! During our stay, she talked to me several times about how I would get married or whether I would stay with my parents or live elsewhere. I asked her about Chinese weddings, and she told me a lot about it =). I am confused about what may be going on here, so I wanted to ask your opinion. Is this normal Chinese conversation with a somewhat stranger?

    A half-Chinese American,

  2. Regarding the aforementioned article in "Middle Kingdom" I think that it better describes provincial girls.

    Chinese girls from big cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou) are quite modern and the difference from the first group is very big.

    As for your personal question, I'd rather answer you in personal - please write to my e-mail and I will reply to you.
